Sound & Vision
“Don't you wonder sometimes, about sound and vision? Blue, blue, electric blue.
That's the colour of my room. Where I will live. Blue, blue.”
Sound & Vision by David Bowie (1977)
What (we think) we see is to a large degree determined by what we hear. Sounds help create visual imagery, mental images, and automatic projections. For example, if you are in a street and you hear the sound of an approaching motorbike, you expect to see a motorbike coming around the corner. The visual cortex uses information gleaned from the ears to better predict what might be seen.
Sound actively shapes our interpretation of the visual, whether it’s what we experience in our everyday activities, or making sense of events captured on video via cameras or our phones. The noises and images we record and collect help us remember the beauty of the places we’ve been to, the amazing things we’ve done, and the cherished people and animals we’ve loved. They can also provide evidence as to why you were thrown out of the pub, where the leg tattoo of Mr Burns came from, and how you ended up in a wheelie bin with no shirt and just one sock.
There are three essential types of noises that are key to a good video (Latin for ‘I see’). These three areas of audio (Latin for ‘sound’) are dialogue (adds understanding and context), sound effects (creates realism), and music (generates atmosphere and emotion). In a film, TV series, documentary and even a music video, all three are often intertwined to help tell a story. Want to see and hear them working together? Scroll on…
The videos created and/or used in this blog aim to be a light-hearted review, critique, parody and/or personal reflection. I do not claim any copyright, nor do I have any intent to monetise or make any commercial profit from any video, music and/or image used. As such, it is also not my intent to infringe on any content ownership. The ownership remains with the content owner. As per the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, I believe any copyrighted music and/or video clips used, falls under the remits of the Fair Dealing exceptions in the Act (that allows for the use of someone else’s content), and that any images used fall under a Creative Commons (Attribution) Licence, are owned by myself or are in the Public Domain.